QTNA: How To Celebrate Others When You Struggle to Celebrate Yourself?

We've all been there. Scrolling through social media, seeing another woman crushing it in their career or personal life and feeling that pang of envy… It's normal to feel admiration and even jealousy towards others, but what if we shift our focus from what everyone else is doing to what WE are doing? Let's begin by embodying a spirit of celebration within ourselves. Just think about the change when you can wholeheartedly embrace such an attitude; being someone who celebrates her own successes, no matter how big or small they may be; and admiring yourself in the mirror just as you are right now. From this place of self-love and gratitude, we can celebrate other women with an open heart. So this Women's History Month, let's take a break from honoring and celebrating the accomplishments of others and instead, celebrate our own unique gifts! Who knows, maybe you'll inspire someone else to do the same. ;)

Why we should focus on celebrating ourselves instead of other women

Women are often so focused on comparing themselves to others that they forget to appreciate and celebrate their own blessings of time, energy, and joy. This unfortunate habit serves as a destructive distraction from the rawness of being alive and enjoying life's simple pleasures. This month, let's come together to uplift and show admiration for the activities WE do simply from pure delight, without needing external approval.

Let's redirect our energy away from feelings of envy and comparison, and focus on celebrating our own successes! Instead of worrying about what other women are doing differently than us, let us give ourselves the recognition we DESERVE. Celebrating our achievements can foster a mindset of abundance, which in turn will affect all aspects of life. Through this, we craft a life full of contentment, peace and freedom--the things that make us feel truly alive!

How to celebrate ourselves in small ways every day

Celebrating ourselves doesn't have to mean grand gestures, it can be small and practical actions like journaling. Taking the time to jot down our daily thoughts and things we’re grateful for can bring us closer to expressing gratitude towards ourselves.

Positive affirmations will also give us a boost of confidence and remind us that we’re deserving of self-love.

Lastly, meditating takes just a few minutes and allows us to relax, refocus our energy inwards, practice stillness and embrace the importance of taking care of our mental health first. So this month, let’s take some small steps towards celebrating ourselves!

Ultimately, celebrating other women should be encouraged and embraced. But we should also be proactive and intentional about learning how to celebrate our very own accomplishments. It may sound silly, but something as small as actively telling yourself that you’re doing a great job or wearing something you feel confident in can make a big difference. We can transform how we see ourselves by promoting feelings of self-gratitude and understanding that we have several amazing traits that are worth acknowledging. So let’s take this month of March and use it as an opportunity to rewire our brains and break the habit of comparing ourselves to another woman’s success - if you want, join us in our 28-day Celebrate Yourself Challenge!

Here’s to focusing on ourselves and creating a more positive outlook on the life we’ve been given. Let’s spread the love and celebrate us!

Happy Celebrating! 🎉💃🏽🤩😊❤️




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