Cultivating a Growth Mindset in Pole and Aerial Fitness:

Embracing the Journey and Overcoming Challenges

In the latest episode of the Find Your Spice podcast, Jackie; CEO of Spice Pole and Aerial Fitness delves into the importance of mindset when pursuing pole and aerial dance. As we enter the month of August, Jackie encourages listeners to focus on cultivating a growth mindset to enhance their experience and progress in these challenging yet rewarding art forms.

The Importance of Mindset

Mindset plays a crucial role in any activity, especially in pole and aerial dance. As Jackie points out, entering the studio with the wrong mindset can hinder your progress and overall enjoyment of the experience. It's essential to understand that pole and aerial dance are not just about gaining physical strength, flexibility, or core stability; they also require mental resilience and a willingness to embrace the journey.

Perfectionism and the Struggle

Many students, particularly those with Type A personalities or perfectionistic tendencies, may struggle with the learning process in pole and aerial dance. It's natural to feel frustrated when you don't master a move immediately or when you compare yourself to others in the room. However, remember that everyone starts somewhere, and progress takes time. It's crucial to be patient with yourself and trust the process.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is all about embracing growth, trusting the journey, and being okay with where you start. Just as a gardener nurtures a struggling plant with care, patience, and the right environment, students must approach their pole and aerial dance practice with the same mindset. Progress may not be visible immediately, but with consistent effort and a positive attitude, growth will happen.

Honoring Your Unique Journey

It's essential to be realistic and honor your own unique journey. Everyone comes to pole and aerial dance with different backgrounds, schedules, and responsibilities. Comparing yourself to others who may have more time to dedicate to their practice can be detrimental. Instead, focus on your own progress and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt

Fear, doubt, and shame are common emotions that can surface during pole and aerial dance practice. These feelings can prevent you from moving freely and enjoying the experience. Remember that it's normal to feel nervous or scared when trying something new, but don't let those feelings stop you from showing up and presenting your best self.

Cultivating a growth mindset is crucial for anyone pursuing pole and aerial dance. By embracing the journey, trusting the process, and honoring your unique path, you can overcome challenges and find joy in your practice. Embrace growth, celebrate your achievements, and keep dancing.


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